Saturday, April 15, 2017

Islam and Science (How Should the Science Be Treated in Islam)

Islam and science has been an oft quoted term for thinkers, writers and common people. It has created so many new interpretations, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. Here our contention is to provide you the basic concepts in Islam to make the idea clear. Islam is a philosophy as well as science, only point to understand is how strong the link is between these two. Has there been any link or not? And if there is to what extent is it practical? We see number of people around us who do not consider science important and therefore do not bring it in their lives arguing that it is a materialistic approach towards life. Is this true for their lives? There have been so many Articles and lectures written on this specific topic and here our purpose is to show you the real picture and let you decide what the reality in Islam is.
Before going into any further detail it is important to know what science really means. There are so many interpretations and here is one of those, "Science basically is an understanding of a particular thing that exists physically and the use of the principles of that understanding for the benefit of the humanity".
After reading the definition one can understand that it is not a new thing because its existence has been long since the beginning of humanity. Man has always tried to make things easier and simpler for his domestic and industrial life. Before Islam great names like Aristotle and Plato are examples for the great work that also highlights the importance of philosophy. Now we will discuss science after the existence of Islam.
Most of scientists and thinkers believe that arrival of Muhammad (SAW) and Quran was the most important and boasting point for science. It is basically arrival of reality that helps to understand the universe and purpose of its creation. In fact that was the period when science got new spirit despite of the fact that philosophical explanations were made continuously. Quran and Hadith describe their position openly and clarifies that there is no clash between Islam and science rather it is wrong explanation of science that has made it suspicious. First we look at the life of Muhammad (SAW). His life is true explanation of the basic of the science in which He rooted out superstitions and old traditions and told the people reality. He knew the importance of knowledge and made it compulsory for every men and women. He raised the degree of learning seventy times higher than prayer to prove that for the understanding of religion, knowledge about universe is important. Is this not the purpose of science? Science also rejects superstitions and makes people aware of true facts of the universe. After Allah Almighty He is the only person who knows everything about this universe and to prove this He spent a practical life and gave principles with logics on all fields of life. Here a question rises, "Did He invent something?" The answer is no, because science is an awareness it does not require invention. Yet His teachings and philosophy are becoming theories of science day by day.
Now we come to Quran, almost every person believes that Quran is the only authentic and sacred book of this universe because books of other Prophets are either changed or not present today. The whole Quran is science in itself and calls the people to discern the hidden realities of the universe. It is said hundreds of times in Quran that there are signs for those who think and understand. Quran explains every field of science and predicts even those things that man does not know. From the creation of this world and man and to the destruction of this universe, Quran explains everything. To prove this following statement is enough, "There is no discovery or invention of the science which is against the basic teachings of Quran and Hadith," Therefore Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Jews, they all know that Quran is the only book of this world that can guide them to find the hidden realities of this universe.
Then where the problem is? This is the real question and here is its answer. Islam says, "We should explore nature and universe to believe in oneness of Allah and to get the blessings of Muhammad (SAW)." It means that the ultimate result should be the formation of a society where, by new discoveries, positive changes come and people becomes obedient to Allah Almighty. This is also the purpose of our creation and science makes it clear for us to be obedient to Allah and Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
What we have done is our wrong approach towards science. We have started to use science with materialistic approach which means we believe only those things that happen before our eyes or that have physical existence. This phenomenon makes us materialist. Basically this concept is against the construct of science because science can only predict something. It is true that there are so many theories that are considered final but on the other hand it is also true that they are not final verdicts. With the progress of science theories change time to time. Take the example of Biology that after every fifty years changes completely. Atom was considered undividable but now it has more than hundred sob-atomic particles. It is because Quran is final verdict not the science and Quran does not require any scientist. Science supports spirituality and those things that do not exist physically. With the scientific discoveries we can predict that there is Heaven and Hell, and that there is life after death. How strange it is that we believe Newton's Gravitational Law and do not believe that if gravitation force is pulled out nothing will survive on the earth.
To make it short, Islam does not believe the materialistic approach towards science rather it takes science as an instrument to guide the people and to make the Quran and Hadith clearer for humanity. Its predictions are and discoveries, if we take them in their real sense, do take us near to Allah and show us the authority of Almighty. How strange it is that Quran that is sent for all the humanity, does not has the link with an ordinary field science.

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Global Science Research and the Value of International Collaboration

Science research spending around the globe has increased by 45 percent to more than $1,000 billion (one trillion) U.S. dollars since 2002. In 2008, 218 countries generated more than 1.5 million research papers, with contributions ranging from Tuvalu's one paper to the U.S.' 320,000 papers. The U.S. leads the world's production of science research, accounting for 21 percent of publications and nearly $400 billion worth of public and private science R&D. BRIC and other developing countries, including China, India, Brazil and South Korea, account for much of the increase in scientific publications.
Science Research in the BRIC Countries of China, India and Brazil
A study by the U.K.'s Royal Society points out that the BRIC countries, along with South Korea, "are often cited as rising powers in science." From 2002 to 2007, the China, India and Brazil more than doubled their spending on science research, bringing their collective share of global spending up from 17 to 24 percent.
Engineering is a common focus of science research in China, India and Russia. Scientific fields in which China has developed a leading position include nanotechnology and rare earths. Agriculture and biosciences are two important fields of emphasis in Brazil, which is a leader in biofuels research.
In keeping with their rapid economic development and massive populations, China and India, the world's first and second most populous countries, produce large and growing numbers of science and engineering graduates each year. In 2006, about 2.5 million students in India and 1.5 million students in China graduated with degrees in science and engineering.
International Collaboration
Today, over 35 percent of science research articles are the result of international collaborations among researchers from different countries, a 40 percent increase from 15 years ago. The number of internationally co-authored papers has more than doubled since 1990.
The U.S., U.K., France and Germany continue to be key hubs of international collaboration in science research. Researchers in other developed and developing countries actively collaborate with scientists from these countries. According to the Royal Society report, "while links between the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have been growing in recent years, they pale in comparison to the volume of collaboration between these individual countries and their partners in the G7."
International science research often takes the form of regional collaboration. Regional political institutions, including the European Union (EU), African Union (AU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), each have their own research strategies that foster and facilitate regional collaboration in science research.
"South-South Collaboration" between developing countries is a growing form of international science research. The International Centre for South-South Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation was inaugurated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2008 under the auspices of UNESCO. An initiative of India, Brazil and South Africa promotes South-South cooperation in several arenas, including science and research collaboration in fields such as nanotechnology, oceanography and Antarctic research.
Collaboration's Benefits and Drivers
There are a number of important benefits, motivations and enabling factors that help explain the growth of international collaboration in science research, including:
1) greater impact;
2) scientific discovery;
3) scale of research projects;
4) scope and complexity of research topics and international issues;
5) capacity-building; and
6) advances in technology and communications.
Fourteen countries experienced more than a three-fold increase in their standard domestic publication impact by collaborating with one or more of 22 partner countries. Each additional international author leads to an increase in a paper's impact, up to a tipping point of about ten authors. By collaborating with one another, scientists can access complementary skills and knowledge and stimulate new ideas.
The scale of some major science research projects is too large for most countries to undertake on their own. In such cases, international collaboration is necessary to meet extensive requirements for human, financial and other resources. The scope and complexity of certain science research topics and objectives can also drive international collaboration.
Many of the world's most pressing social problems are international issues that call for collaboration and cooperation. Climate change, food security, public health (e.g., AIDS/HIV, malaria and tuberculosis) and sustainability are just a few of the global issues that require international collaboration and solutions.
Collaboration allows scientists in one country to build their capacity to conduct significant science research by leveraging the resources of partners in other countries. Collaboration can be particularly beneficial to partners from developing and developed countries.
Advances in technology have contributed greatly to the feasibility and appeal of international collaboration. For researchers in developing and developed countries alike, improvements in communication technologies and services have made international collaboration simpler, faster and cheaper than ever before.
Success Stories
The Royal Society study presents several encouraging examples of cases where science research and international collaboration have contributed greatly to addressing important international issues.
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) encompasses an international network of independent centers of agricultural research in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Despite operating on a modest yet significant annual budget of $550 million, every $1 invested in CGIAR is estimated to yield a very healthy return of $9 worth of additional food in developing countries.
The World Health Organization (WHO) set up FluNet in 1996 as a global tool to monitor and evaluate influenza virus strains by leveraging data from a number of national influenza laboratories around the world. When the epidemic of severe respiratory illness broke out in Hong Kong in 2003, the FluNet network contributed to a coordinated, rapid response from the international science and medical community that identified the virus and helped minimize the related public health threat and consequences.
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization has immunized more than 200 million children and prevented over 3.4 million premature deaths since receiving a start-up grant of $750 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 1999.
Royal Society Study - Knowledge, Networks and Nations
These are some of the key findings published recently in the Royal Society's examination of global science research entitled Knowledge, Networks and Nations: Global Scientific Collaboration in the 21st Century.
The Royal Society study is based on statistics from international organizations, including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Society's own analysis of data on science research articles published in roughly 25,000 separate scientific journals by the more than 7 million researchers around the world.
Science research encompasses both research and development, the "R" and "D", respectively, of public and private R&D efforts, which range from abstract and conceptual exploration through to market-oriented development of scientific applications.
Research Findings
The Royal Society study paints an encouraging picture of growing international investment in science research. International collaboration is a highly valuable mechanism for promoting scientific discovery and maximizing the impact of science research. Publicly and privately funded science R&D has played a key role in successfully addressing key issues related to public health, food security and the environment, among others.
This article about global science research and collaboration comes from my site Global Sherpa, which publishes articles on current topics in world news, globalization, international development, cities and foreign policy.
Please drop me a line through one of the contact forms on the site with any comments, recommendations, or project ideas.
Over time, I hope the site will become a catalyst for learning and collaborative projects that will help spread the interest in world affairs and promote international understanding, development and well-being.
Article Copyright Global Sherpa. All rights reserved.

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National Economic Reforms Science And Technology Directives

In the last half of the 20th century it was President Kennedy who took up the gauntlet of outlining a national directive focusing on science and technology. The course that the United States chartered then propelled America into the space age. No longer was man confined to this planet alone. We reached for the stars and did the impossible. We put a man on the moon, built the International Space Station, launched the Hubble Telescope which opened up the universe for all of mankind, and sent the Voyager on a never ending quest to "boldly go where no man has gone before."
This all came about because a sitting President had the courage and took the leadership to lay the groundwork for the United States to act on a decisive plan of direction which open up so many windows of opportunity for millions of Americans. Some how for the past five decades the United States lost the exuberance that prevailed when President Kennedy pointed this country in a new direction.
Sure, there have been many marvels along the way in technology, science, and medicine. The Internet for one has opened up a whole new world filled with opportunities never before imagined. Heart transplants are now almost a routine procedure. So many more wonders have come into existence since the early 1960's but, the leadership to identify and implement a national plan of direction that would put the United States onto the path toward that brighter future hasn't happened since we put a man on the moon. It is within National Economic Reform where there is a direct plan of direction for the United States. Article Six is probably the most ambitious directive there is. But, this component is vital for the future of America and really the rest of the world. Implementing National Economic Reform is crucial for the future of not only the United States but for all of mankind especially when the Science and Technology Directives are realized.
The United States must recognize and take decisive action on five fronts now outlined in Article Six of National Economic Reform. One of the most important issues is the extent of Global Warming has on humanity and economies all over the world. This first directive is probably one of the more contentious and ambiguous issues today. We have to accept the facts as they present themselves.
First of all mankind has relied on the fuel of the first and second industrial revolution for far too ling. Today's technology has afforded the United States to dispense with any and all types of fossil fuel while at the same time ushering in alternative lower cost green energy to supply the energy needs of this nation. There is no excuse other than Greed to keep the American public held hostage by the major fossil fuel conglomerates. Energy independence is realistic now using affordable alternative energy. The Third Industrial Revolution is now beginning and it is under the directive of Science and Technology in National Economic Reform that the energy of the tomorrow will emerge. We must remember that when the first Industrialized Revolution unfolded the fuel that ushered in a new found way of life was all based on fossil fuels. What followed was a feeding frenzy of drilling and mining which only created and environmental catastrophe that is unfolding today. Yet, in the United States our governmental officials for the most part are in a state of continued denial that our industrial infrastructure, that by the way was built and continues to use fossil fuel, is the cause of all the environmental impact that global warming is having all around the globe.
All of civilization is at a critical juncture today. We have developed more technologies in the shortest amount of time than in any other period in history. The sad fact today is that there are multitudes not only in the United States but all over the world that are left with-out the benefits that these technologies could bring. More and more people are facing dire living conditions here and over seas. Over one billion people are literally starving to death. The threat of Global Pandemics is as real as it gets. We have and are continuing to develop better technologies to eradicate hunger and the threat of a Pandemic today. But, the resolve to use the technologies that we have and develop more for the betterment of all of mankind is predicated by the implementation of National Economic Reform's Science and Technology Directive.
The scientific community all support that drastic changes in the earths delicate condition will cause events of biblical proportions if man continues the use and consumption of fossil fuel. The world today faces mass extinctions of marine life caused by mans destructive nature in pollution of our oceans. It is imperative that the United States change direction, the continued misguided ideologies and attitudes that have prevailed for far too long if this nation is ever going to rise out of the ashes of our economic crisis. Within the Science and Technology Directive like a Phoenix rising to lead the world in alternative energy. It reminds one of that opening to the Six Million Dollar Man," We have the technology to make him better, faster, and stronger." Well guess what people, we actually do.
To understand what has occurred in the last hundred years of the industrial revolutions that has caused a global crisis is to look at when the peak of the second industrial revolution occurred. In 1980 is when scientists first really became concerned of the effects of all the carbon being released into the atmosphere by the industrial complexes and our modes of transportation was having. It seems that all through-out history whenever their is a industrial shift using newer technologies an economic revolution also occurs. These new emerging energy sources make it possible to create more independent economic activity. This in turn gives rise to providing more avenues to expand more commercial activity as well. Accompanying all of this newer technology are communication upgrades or so called revolutions which become the foundations where mans ability to organize, manage, and control the newer more stable set of spatial dynamics. All from evolving energy technologies.
By 1994 a new convergence of communication and energy was now infiltrating societies. Internet technology and the reemergence of renewable energy sources were about to merge in creating a powerful new infrastructure that will fuel the Third Industrial Revolution. This third industrial revolution has already begun. And, it is about to change the world forever. Just think in the next 50 or so years hundreds of millions of people the world over will be able to produce their own green energy in their homes, in offices, and in factories. Humanity will be able to share with each other an "energy Internet," just like we are able to now create and share information online today. The democratization of energy will bring with it a fundamental reordering of all human relationships, impacting the very way we conduct business, govern society, educate and engage in civic and cultural activities.
It is to this purpose that the Scientific and Technological Directive in National Economic Reform initiate the further development and deployment of Internet energy systems across the country. To date the United States has yet to capitalize of this emerging source of the energy that will revolutionize the whole spectrum of energy consumption the world over. Government procrastination, denial, apathy and indifference have only confounded the American populace as to why the United Stats continually lags behind other industrialized countries in developing new renewable energy systems. Just take a look; in 2006 the European Union laid the groundwork for further development of this Internet technology for energy. Green technologies have all given rise to new medium of communications and infrastructure. It is in Europe and in Japan that have taken the lead in developing and the implementation of renewable green and Internet energy. meanwhile the US is stuck with our antiquated energy policies and infrastructure that still rely of fossil fuel. This is more than enough reason to implement National Economic Reform and it's Science and Technology directives.
The second directive has to be the focus on enough clean fresh water being made available for every American and eliminate the prospect of another drought that caused irrevocable damage to this past summers harvested crops. Again, the United States has the technology to supply fresh water to areas where there are shortages. An intercontinental aqueduct that crisscrosses the country bringing water to areas that need it most is a priority that can't wait any longer. To those skeptics that continue to say we can't afford to spend billions of dollars to build the infrastructure that would accommodate this monumental undertaking forget one of the biggest reasons and purpose behind National Economic Reform and that is to have the United States regain it's financial capabilities. If we constructed the oil pipeline from Alaska we can do likewise for water, our most precious natural resource.
The third directive concerns the eventuality of natural disasters. Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes and major power outages all are facts of life. But what the United states must do to minimize the devastation caused is to have in place better warning systems, safer and sturdier construction that will be able to withstand any contingency that arises out of a natural catastrophe, and have in place relief efforts readily available so that another Katrina like episode will never happen again.
The fourth directive is already being considered by scientists the world over. To make what President Kennedy started become more of a reality for deep space travel and realistically transport men and equipment to distant planets space travel has to be reinvented sort of speaking. This is because our known laws of physics has only kept humanity very limited in space exploration. That is until now. It is this forth directive that will have far reaching implications to say the least.
We must remember that since the dawn of mankind man has always looked up to the heavens and pondered that ageless question whether we are alone or are there other life forms some where out in the Universe. From the first time man notices those shinning stars above we have become fascinated by the reality of what is really out there. Humanity has always pondered the possibilities of other life forms that could very possibly be inhabiting other worlds. Through-out history even before Ancient Egypt the question of was mankind influenced by Alien life forms has always sparked debate. Stonehenge is one example of just maybe mankind was assisted with the building of that monument. And, there are other all over the world that to this day cannot be explained using our present knowledge and technology.
The Roswell case and Area 51 come quickly when we think of Alien visitors. What happened that night in 1947 indicates that we may have just had a visit from some alien life form. To this day there are still conflicting reports of what actually occurred in Area 51. Is there still a cover up of what happened or is it all a hoax in an attempt to create more speculation of the existence of Alien life forms? It really is difficult to comprehend considering the vastness of space and the abundance of other galaxies to think that mankind on earth are the only life forms in the entire universe.
This fourth directive has to do with the facts that man by nature is inquisitive, always searching for meaning, answers to the what if's, the facts of life's existence and the answers to what really is out there in the cosmos. This has stirred the never ending pursuit to find the answers. Finding those answers lies with developing the technologies that would make it feasible to actually secure the knowledge of what the Universe holds for mankind.
The United States was just beginning to develop the technology that would enable man to actually solve some of the mysteries of the Universe with the deployment of the Supercollider that was almost completed in 1993. The experiments that were to be conducted would have enabled scientists to finally realize what Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity entailed. Part of the answers remain hidden but, what we do know now that nuclear fusion and atoms accelerate to the speed of light. Roughly one hours ride to Jupiter. The whole concept behind the Supercollider project was to create and prove molecules can move as fast as atoms. We were very close in achieving molecular momentum accelerating to the speed of light and nuclear fusion. Unfortunately congress in their shortsightedness failed to renew the funding for the completion of the Supercollider project. The reality hit home because the cost to dismantle what was already constructed cost much more in tax payers money than that what was needed to finish construction. Just another way Congress still can't get it right. Today, there has been a renewed interest from the international scientific community. A new smaller version has been completed under the Swiss and French boarder and is more than capable of finishing what the United States tried to do in 1993.
Involved in the fourth directive is proving and achieving molecular acceleration equal to that of atomic acceleration. Once we do mankind just might be able to greatly expand our knowledge of our own galaxy and others as well. Albert Einstein proved that atoms accelerated to the speed of light. It is now up to this directive and involving the rest of the worlds scientific community to figure out molecular reconstruction and reconstruction of when molecules achieve the acceleration point of atomic particles and reconstruct the same molecules as before after the acceleration has been achieved. All one has to do to visualize this is look at any Star Trek shows when they say "beam me up." It isn't so far from becoming a reality. Without gaining this knowledge mankind will find it next to impossible to be able to reach and explore the far reaches of our own galaxy let alone the rest of the universe.
We are close but we aren't there yet and the prime goal of this fourth directive is to finish the job. Once we do mankind just might be able to like that saying "boldly go where no man has gone before." It is to this end that the Science and Technology directive focus on bringing together the rest of the international community and other industrialized nations in creating an International Space Exploratory Federation using all the available aerospace contractors and encouraging more countries to provide resources so that more opportunities in developing newer technologies will enable mankind to have the availability to fulfill our ultimate destiny.
The fifth directive is in the medical field of advancing and distribution of vaccines and treatments so that any threat of a pandemic outbreak will be held in check. In the United States there is a resurgence of dreaded diseases such as TB, small pox, whooping cough and a whole assortment of other diseases that early vaccinations would practically eliminate any threat of a resurgence of the diseases that are on the rise today. All too often misguided information, lack of funding, or just plan ignorance have placed our society at risk. When the medical community is very much concerned that any outbreak of communicable diseases could at any moment spread like wild fire quick containment and vaccinations are imperative. This fifth directive goes along with National Economic Reforms, Universal Health Care.
A plan of direction for the United States is the purpose and guide of National Economic Reform. The Science and Technology Directives outlined will have a direct affect on the future of America. It is the intent of total reform from which the United States will emerge from the quandaries that have befallen this nation. In implementing National Economic Reform in it's entirety the United States will rise like that Phoenix to lead the world into that brighter future.

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Technology Management Graduate Studies

The increasing importance of technology in every industry continues to drive the need for a diverse group of qualified professionals to manage the implementation and changes in technology. Pursuing a degree at a technology management graduate school can be the right step for beginning a rewarding career in the management of everything from computer hardware to information security within an organization.
Overview of Technology Management
Technology management professionals are in high demand because of the unique set of skills they possess. In this field, professionals are able to make leadership and management based decisions, develop solutions to technology issues, and approach the management of technology from a systems thinking perspective.
For any management professionals, some of the skills that are required include being able to manage personnel, organizational design and communication, and financial analysis and decision making. Technology management professionals combine this knowledge with specific information technology and systems technology skills and knowledge to effectively lead and make decisions for the assessment, forecasting, strategies, and decision making with a number of different information technology departments.
Technology Management Graduate Degree Curriculum
There are a number of technology_management graduate school choices for prospective students. While there are differences depending on the individual program and school, students most often complete a set of core courses, electives, and a graduate program in order to complete the graduate degree. This combination helps to prepare graduates to transfer relevant, useful skills into the workforce.
From graduate level courses in technology to business, students are able to learn a variety of skills and gain valuable knowledge. Some courses in technology often included information technology_management, operations, emerging technologies, and ethics. Additionally, students will take business and management courses such as supply chain management, sales and marketing, and accounting for technology.
These courses give students the opportunity to gain a broad foundation to develop an understanding of the basic fundamentals of technology management. The electives and the master's project build on that foundation to help students begin to focus their education on a specific area of technology_management. Some examples of electives include knowledge management and relationship management. The master's level project combines the knowledge, theory, and skill a graduate student has gained though academic coursework to examine how that ability can be transferred to a real-world, challenging business issue or problem in order to find a solution or manage a specific scenario.
Career Development with a Technology Management Graduate Degree
Technology professionals must develop a variety of skills. In addition to understanding information technology, professionals in this field must also be able to manage change with technology and technology systems, integrate functional areas of business, leveraging technology, and business management principles to effectively lead the technology driven functions of a business.
These skills are needed in many different types of positions across all types of workplaces, from the federal government to non-profit and educational organizations to private corporations. From the chief information officer to information technology manager, a degree in technology_management is a helpful tool to gain the experience and skills needed for all types of management positions of technology-driven departments.

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Home Online Schooling - Educational Options - Learn Internet Marketing

Thinking of going back to school? Considering Home Online Schooling as part of your educational options? Would you like to learn about Internet Marketing? Many people are thinking about what their next step will be... times being what they are. I would like to share a little about On-line Universities as a viable alternative to traditional education.
When considering school you may be asking, where do I start? What about the enormous cost? Do I have to follow a predetermined schedule? These are all daunting questions and can leave us second guessing whether it is worth it or not. Learning about Internet Marketing online is a great choice for several reasons:
#1 The cost is very reasonable. You can receive a wealth of Marketing knowledge for less than $400 a year.
#2 Learn at your own pace. There is no set time that you have to complete the courses. The fact is, the faster you learn, the quicker you'll see the fruits of your labor.
#3 Make money as you learn. You can begin to earn money as soon as you grasp the concepts that are taught.
#4 Learn from the comfort of your home. Day or night, 24/7. These are just a few reasons to think about when considering this type of career.
After much research, I came to the conclusion that Online Universities were the most viable solution. With the advancement in technology these days, there are numerous options for people to learn, as well as to make money with their computers. You can spent hours and hours researching to find that one place that is the real deal. Narrow it down by focusing on "Home Online Schooling." Any viable institution will have some costs involved, and won't try to trick you into buying "overnight millionaire scams." If you want to be educated in all things related to Internet Marketing, than Online Universities are the way to go.
What I like best about Online Schooling is the community of folks you interact with. There are people from all walks of life and all levels of experience that are willing to help you every step of the way. It is really motivating to hear the success stories folks share. If you are ready to learn, and understand that you have to put the time in, you can make a good income Online. Unfortunately what turns people off from Online work are the 1000s of scams and "get rich quick" schemes out there. Fact is the Internet is the largest marketplace in the world and there truly are unlimited opportunities in sales with the right education. This type of education takes about six months, not two years.
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Teaching Tips on Safe Sex High School Education

Good sex education should allow the adolescent to talk freely about sex and its relationship to interpersonal relations, dynamics within a relationship, love, family and his/her future. Sex education should be open enough so that the atmosphere in the classroom is comfortable and the adolescent does not feel inhibited when asking questions.
Unfortunately, most parents' actions are less a result of planning in advance, and more often reactions to children's provocations. This necessitates the importance of exposing adolescents to as much information as possible. An educator's goal should provide them with information regarding different types of sex protection and to impart knowledge based on holistic attitudes.
Suggestions for how Sex Education could be presented in High School
On International AIDS day, High School students can visit people with AIDS in hospitals or in their homes so that these people feel they have somebody to comfort and nurture them, even if it is only for a day. The students can help AIDS patients' children (if they have children) with schoolwork and/or games just to reassure the sick ones with AIDS in a constructive way.
One powerful method of exposing students to subjects such as unwanted pregnancy and abortion is through films. Show a film about a teenage girl who is pregnant and decides to have an abortion discreetly without the knowledge of her parents. After the film, divide the class into two groups: one group being the teenage girl and the other group as the parents. Pose the question: "Would you tell your parents that you are pregnant?" and, if so, "How would you tell them?" In essence, conduct a role play where the challenge is to express themselves openly as if they were in that situation. Roles plays, if well constructed, can be very effective teaching devices.
Finally, ask the question, "Do you have an open relationship with your parents where you can talk about problems regarding sex, the dynamics of a relationship with a boy or girl or about sex prevention?" If some of the students' answers are negative, pose the question: "What can you do so that your relationship with your parents can be freer and more open?" Finally, raise the key question: "Does it bother you that you do not have an open relationship with your parents?"
Another method of teaching sex education is having the students fill out questionnaires about AIDS. In spite of the fact that many students may have heard about the AIDS disease, not many know its causes and what it is exactly. Questions such as: "Can you reduce chances of infection by taking birth control pills? Can you get AIDS by donating blood? And "Can you get AIDS from oral sex?" are some of the relevant questions to ask. Afterwards, hand out the same questionnaire and have them interview their friends, neighbors, relatives, family members and compare the results among the members of the class. The purpose of this questionnaire is to present several topics such as: "What can we say about the fact that people do not know the answers? Is it the fault of the school, family or society? Do you think it is good or bad that your parents do not expose or share their feelings/knowledge about AIDS, prevention of sexual diseases and contraceptives? Would you like your parents to talk to you about these things?" This activity focuses on the parent-adolescent relationships regarding talking about sex and what can be done in allaying the adolescents' doubts, fear and anxieties.
Perhaps this chunk of "something else" can be nurturingly provided by the school system or in parent-teacher meetings where these issues should be discussed openly. After such meetings, new or seasoned High School teachers of sex education will not be so inhibited in talking about it with their students, similar to parents talking with their children.

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